Training delivered with passion, detail and warmth.

Meaningful Connections

We create learning environments where a meaningful connection with others is at the heart of every step towards independence.

We’re a duo team of trainers and facilitators with a focus on providing engaging environments for people to connect, learn and grow. We use the creative arts to deliver training in language, communication and decision-making.

A space to learn and connect.

a space to Stand Tall.

Our Focus

Our bespoke training addresses your biggest needs.

  • We design and deliver English language training courses for all levels. We also specialise in mixed level settings. All sessions are immersive and focus upon navigating issues arising from language barriers.

  • Training for young people and adults using improvisation as the foundation. This subject is far reaching - everything from after-school mentoring, school sessions and continued professional development.

  • We are regularly asked to facilitate training with the aim of providing diagnostics, reporting and recommendations. Results can be disseminated to either or both partners and participants in the form of a paper, presentation or further training.

  • We offer training for professionals looking for continued professional development. This covers language, communication, decision making and collaboration.

  • We offer specialist services for residential training. Partnering with venues throughout the region, we provide residential spaces that allow your participants focus upon specific goals without the demands of their usual day to day lives. Find out how residential training can advance your project and goals.

Your Training Facilitators

We are able to achieve results we do, because we are a small team of two.

Find out more about how we work with our partners.